
Factors Associated with Carriage of Enteropathogenic and Non-Enteropathogenic Viruses: A Reanalysis of Matched Case-Control Data from the AFRIBIOTA Site in Antananarivo, Madagascar.

Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland)
Razanajatovo IM, Andrianomiadana L, Habib A, Randrianarisoa MM, Razafimanjato H, Rakotondrainipiana M, Andriantsalama P, Randriamparany R, Andriamandimby SF, Vonaesch P, Sansonetti PJ, Lacoste V, Randremanana RV, Collard JM, Heraud JM, On Behalf Of The Afribiota Investigators

Invasive fungal diseases in patients with autoimmune diseases: a case series from the French RESSIF network.

RMD open
Galmiche S, Thoreau B, Bretagne S, Alanio A, Paugam A, Letscher-Bru V, Cassaing S, Gangneux JP, Guegan H, Favennec L, Minoza A, Morio F, Bonhomme J, Desoubeaux G, Eloy O, Hasseine L, Sasso M, Millon L, Bellanger AP, Poirier P, Moniot M, Chouaki T, Huguenin A, Dalle F, Bouteille B, Nicolas M, Desbois-Nogard N, Bougnoux ME, Danion F, Poindron V, Néel A, Boukris-Sitbon K, Lanternier F, Terrier B