
Investigation of an international outbreak of multidrug-resistant monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium associated with chocolate products, EU/EEA and United Kingdom, February to April 2022.

Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin
Larkin L, Pardos de la Gandara M, Hoban A, Pulford C, Jourdan-Da Silva N, de Valk H, Browning L, Falkenhorst G, Simon S, Lachmann R, Dryselius R, Karamehmedovic N, Börjesson S, van Cauteren D, Laisnez V, Mattheus W, Pijnacker R, van den Beld M, Mossong J, Ragimbeau C, Vergison A, Thorstensen Brandal L, Lange H, Garvey P, Nielsen CS, Herrera León S, Varela C, Chattaway M, Weill FX, Brown D, McKeown P

Tissue-resident FOLR2+ macrophages associate with CD8+ T cell infiltration in human breast cancer.

Nalio Ramos R, Missolo-Koussou Y, Gerber-Ferder Y, Bromley CP, Bugatti M, Núñez NG, Tosello Boari J, Richer W, Menger L, Denizeau J, Sedlik C, Caudana P, Kotsias F, Niborski LL, Viel S, Bohec M, Lameiras S, Baulande S, Lesage L, Nicolas A, Meseure D, Vincent-Salomon A, Reyal F, Dutertre CA, Ginhoux F, Vimeux L, Donnadieu E, Buttard B, Galon J, Zelenay S, Vermi W, Guermonprez P, Piaggio E, Helft J