Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 8226679
J Bacteriol. 1993 Nov;175(22):7321-8.
The Serratia marcescens metalloprotease (protease SM) belongs to a family of proteins secreted from gram-negative bacteria by a signal peptide-independent pathway which requires a specific transporter consisting of three proteins: two in the inner membrane and one in the outer membrane. The prtDSM and prtESM genes encoding the two S. marcescens inner membrane components were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Their nucleotide sequence revealed high overall homology with the two analogous inner membrane components of the Erwinia chrysanthemi protease secretion apparatus and lower, but still significant, homology with the two analogous inner membrane components of the E. coli hemolysin transporter. When expressed in E. coli, these two proteins, PrtDSM and PrtESM, allowed the secretion of protease SM only in the presence of TolC protein, the outer membrane component of the hemolysin transporter.