Funding: ANRS & EC. The main research objectives of this multidisciplinary network funded by the ANRS and the EC are the assessment of the burden of HCV infection and disease in Egypt, the study of factors associated with HCV transmission for designing better prevention programs, the optimization of drug regimens for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis C, and the study of factors associated with spontaneous HCV clearance in acute hepatitis C for vaccine development. The project has been successful in attracting twenty international research grants (from the EC, ANRS, and Wellcome Trust), and has already led to more than 25 publications in international peer-reviewed journals. The ANRS network has been very involved in the elaboration of the 2013-2018 Egypt National Strategy for the Control of Viral Hepatitis through the National Committee against Viral Hepatitis (headed by Gamal Esmat) and the WHO Technical Advisory Group to the Ministry of Health (chaired by Arnaud Fontanet). A more detailed description of the research objectives and findings is available on the project’s website: http://www.hepnile.org/