Project ANR Patho-Methylome – The role of lysine methylation in host-pathogen interactions Jonathan Weitzman
Project FP7 Targeting the Leishmania kinome for the development of novel anti-parasitic strategies (LeishDrug) Gérald Spaeth
Project LeiSHield – A new collaborative action to determine prevalence, anticipate emergence and assess urbanization of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in LeishRIIP partner countries Gérald Spaeth
Project ANR TransLeish – Discovery of druggable protein kinases in the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani using hit compounds identified by phenotypic screening Najma Rachidi • Gérald Spaeth
Project ANR TranSig – Trans-signalling: A novel mechanism of Leishmania host cell immune evasion through the release of parasite signalling proteins Najma Rachidi
Project PTR 539 – A multilevel systems approach to elucidate the host-Leishmania interactome and to identify host targets for anti-leishmanial drug discovery Joo Hwan No
Project PTR 496 – Investigating the reciprocal relationship between macrophage inflammasome activity and intracellular Leishmania infection Eric Prina
Post-doc Miguel A. Morales Molecular Parasitology and Signaling Working currently in Department of Biological Sciences, Eck Institute for Global Health, University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA