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“Fundamentally Applied”Marie Flamand
IBEID Labex Day 24Carla Saleh
21st International AIDS Conference
Hot off the press: microbiota of mosquito larvae influences adult vectorial capacityDavy Jiolle
“Bacteriophages, à table” on France Culture radio, Monday 15th, November with Laurent DebardieuxLaurent Debarbieux
On Monday, November 18, we held a Minisymposium on the new perspectives of human embryo research and STEM CELL DAY. Lively discussions thanks to our outstanding speakers and participants!Laure Bally-Cuif
Thesis defense: Borja Rodriguez de Francisco – “Self-assembly into functional amyloids of Aspergillus fumigatus hydrophobins”Michael Nilges
Seminar DPT Microbiology “Brucella abortus, a polarized bacterial pathogen with a peculiar envelope”, Prof. Xavier De BolleIvo Gomperts Boneca
Seminar Microbiology Dept – “Uncovering the hidden diversity of the human gut microbiome through genome-resolved metagenomics”Philippe Glaser
Recherche volontaires pour tester un nouveau SPOCOdile Sismeiro
PIV Department seminar – Benoît Gamin- “Towards the development of a placental malaria vaccine”Artur Scherf
Department of Structural biology and chemistry seminar: Dr; David M. Perrin, Selection of RNaseA-mimicking DNAzymes with amines, imidazoles, and guanidines that cleave RNA: from unnatural aptamer selections unto to the origin of lifeMarcel Hollenstein
Post-Doctoral position in Human Disease & Interactome networks
Responsable PlateForme Centre de Production et d’Infection des Anophèles (CEPIA) H/FChristophe Joubert
Postdoc position – Structural biology of type IV pili machineriesGuillaume Dumenil
M1-2 internships: conditional generative models of animal behaviourJean-Baptiste Masson
Postdoctoral position in inflammation /regenerationLucie Peduto
Postdoctoral position in host-pathogen interactionsMélanie Hamon