Founded in 2007, Institut Pasteur and the Cnam have pooled their expertise to create the Pasteur/Cnam School of Public Health. Courses offered by the Cnam (biostatistics, economics, health law, health policies, non-communicable health risks) are complemented by instruction from the Institut Pasteur (epidemiology, infectious health risks) in order to offer a Specialized Master in public health to any person holding a Bac + 5 or equivalent. Each year, physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians, engineers and managers enroll in this program.
After 4 months of core curriculum courses, students have the choice to get specialized in one subject area among : Infectious risk; non-communicable risks; Biostatistics and Bioinformatics or Organization and management of health care systems.
Coursework is complemented by an internship and a Master’s thesis. Each year, students have the opportunity to do their internship in the Institut Pasteur International Network. Since 2008, more than 30 students have completed their internship in one of the 33 Instituts Pasteur.
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