OMI – IP Mexico “One health: Vector-borne Diseases”
13-15 June 2022

A 3-day OMI-Pasteur course has been organized in Mexico (13-15 June 2022) 3 years after Salzburg (2019) which started this cycle of courses under the umbrella of the Open Medical Institute and the Institut Pasteur. We were 4 teachers: Stéphanie Blandin (Inserm) on malaria, Claudio Lazzari (University of Tours) on Chagas disease and Luciano Moreira (Fiocruz) on vector control and Wolbachia.
It was an amazing course with active interactions with students (30 from America including 6 from the Pasteur Network: IP French Guyana, IP Guadeloupe, IP Paris, Fiocruz). We had 11 lectures and 3 round tables.
My special thanks to the organizing committee: Becky, Gaby, Paulina, Mariana, and all others from the AMSA (Alianza medica para la salud) who host us at the Centro Medico ABC in Mexico at 2690m above the sea level! A big thanks to Kaitlyn, Stephanie, Wolfgang from OMI, and Marianne, Kathleen, Monica from the Institut Pasteur.
It was a great experience. See you at the next course in 2023 in Salzburg!