We are pleased to welcome Benoit Chassaing as a new head of a G5 research group in our department !Benoit will lead the Microbiome-Host Interactions (MHI) unit.Benoit obtained his PhD in microbiology at the University of Clermont-Ferrand (France), identifying factors involved in the virulence of adherent and invasive Escherichia coli. He then joined Georgia State University, first as a postdoctoral fellow with Andrew Gewirtz to study mucosal immunology, before establishing his own lab focusing on how genetic and environmental factors are impacting the intestinal microbiota in a way that can drive chronic diseases.Now located at Institut Pasteur, the MHI lab is expending the field of mucosal microbiology! More specifically, his team is mechanistically investigating how the environment modulates complex microbial ecosystems, as well as deciphering how the host and its various microbiome communicate, with a particular focus on intestinal inflammation and metabolic deregulations.More at: https://www.chassainglab.com/
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