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2022A virus-derived microRNA targets immune response genes during SARS-CoV-2 infection., EMBO Rep 2022 Feb; 23(2): e54341.
2022piRNAs initiate transcriptional silencing of spermatogenic genes during C. elegans germline development., Dev Cell 2022 Jan; 57(2): 180-196.e7.
2021Global Run-On sequencing to measure nascent transcription in C. elegans, STAR Protocols.
2021Histone variant H2A.Z regulates zygotic genome activation., Nat Commun 2021 12; 12(1): 7002.
2021Translation and codon usage regulate Argonaute slicer activity to trigger small RNA biogenesis., Nat Commun 2021 06; 12(1): 3492.
2021Germline inherited small RNAs facilitate the clearance of untranslated maternal mRNAs in C. elegans embryos., Nat Commun 2021 03; 12(1): 1441.
2020Small-RNA-mediated transgenerational silencing of histone genes impairs fertility in piRNA mutants., Nat Cell Biol 2020 02; 22(2): 235-245.