Master Student
PhD Student
Camille Sous
Jessica El Khoury
Visiting Scientist
Mariangela Malerba
Visiting Scientist
Loic Charpenay
Synthetic Biology
Aline Araujo Alves
Aline obtained her PhD degree at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 2019. She worked on characterising expression and function of myosin motors in Trypanosoma cruzi under supervision of Dr. Narcisa Cunha-e-Silva. […]
PhD Student
Samuel Kubler
Samuel Kubler is a young engineer in “Signal Processing & Image Analysis” graduated in September 2019 from ENSEEIHT (Toulouse). He is interested in Biomedical Image Processing, Machine Learning and Applied Mathematics for Biology and […]
Elodie Turc
Biomics – Wet-Lab
PhD Student
Laure Blanchet
Cellular Biology of Microbial Infection
I am a Master 2 student in microbiology and immunology from the University of Montpellier. In the lab of Agathe Subtil, my work focuses on a protein secreted in the host cell by the […]
PhD Student
Sophie Shi
Laurie Peverini
Mélanie Juchet-Martin
HistoPathology Core Facility
PhD Student
Léa Meneu
Spatial Regulation of Genomes
Research Engineer
Maguelonne Roux
Group : Milieu Intérieur
Gaspard Kerner
Project Manager