Pasteur Course Specific training to design and perform surgical procedures on rodents
This three-day training course is mandatory for scientists performing surgical procedures, specifically tailored for surgeries on rodents (mice and rats). It has been approved by the Ministry of Agriculture (Approval reference: R-75 Institut Pasteur-CHIR-18). […]
2024-12-10 09:00:00
2025-05-14 18:00:00
Pasteur Course Specific training to design and perform surgical procedures on rodents
This three-day training course is mandatory for scientists performing surgical procedures, specifically tailored for surgeries on rodents (mice and rats). It has been approved by the Ministry of Agriculture (Approval reference: R-75 Institut Pasteur-CHIR-18). […]
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Pasteur Course Regulatory course for project designers (rodents & lagomorphs)
This two-week training course is mandatory for scientists planning projects involving rodents and lagomorphs. It has been accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture (Approval reference: I-75 Institut Pasteur-F1-14). Two sessions are scheduled each year, […]
2025-03-24 09:00:00
2025-04-04 18:00:00
Pasteur Course Regulatory course for project designers (rodents & lagomorphs)
This two-week training course is mandatory for scientists planning projects involving rodents and lagomorphs. It has been accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture (Approval reference: I-75 Institut Pasteur-F1-14). Two sessions are scheduled each year, […]
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2021La chirurgie aseptique et l’importance des soins post-opératoires chez la souris dans les conditions des animaleries de la recherche, STAL 2021;49:39-47.
2020Bread Feeding Is a Robust and More Physiological Enteropathogen Administration Method Compared to Oral Gavage., Infect Immun 2020 03; 88(4): .