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Fungal Biology and PathogenicityChristophe D’Enfert
Stem Cells And DevelopmentShahragim Tajbakhsh
IT Infrastructure and Engineering for ScienceYoussef Ghorbal
Dynamics of the GenomeBenoit Arcangioli
Evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseasesSebastian Duchene
UMR3571 – Genes, Synapses and CognitionPierre-Marie Lledo
Fat4Heart ERA-CVD 2016Timothy Wai
Implication de la voie Notch et des cellules lymphoïdes innées lors d’un hépatocarcinome cellulaireRachel Golub
Nuclear biology and the identification of novel chromatin factors linked to the control of virulence gene expression and genome variabilityArtur Scherf
Follicular growth and ovarian endocrine functionMichel Cohen-Tannoudji
I-BIRD: Individual Based Investigation of Resistance DisseminationDidier Guillemot
Rabies virus neuronal infectionNicolas Wolff