Former Teams
Biomedical Engagement in the West African Ebola epidemicTamara Giles-Vernick
Community-based home visit intervention in sub-Saharan Africa to improve Hepatitis B vaccination coverage at birth and neonatal survival (Neovac)Muriel Vray
Exploring immunological mechanisms of graft-versus-host disease and of functional immune tolerance in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantationLars Rogge
Dynamics and biological function of deoxycytosine methylationBenoit Arcangioli
Etude des cellules NKG2A+ et NKG2C+CD8+T au cours des infections peu ou pas progressivespar le virus VIH-1 ou le virus HIV-2 (NICE)Michaela Muller-Trutwin
Genetic diversity and evolution of PTLVsAntoine Gessain