Carole Phan graduated with PhD “Molecular and Cellular Physiopathology” under supervision of Dr Christophe Guignabert from the University of Paris-Sud/Paris-Saclay in 2018. She studied the cellular and molecular mechanisms induced by drug-induced Pulmonary Hypertension. Carole Phan joined Jerome Gros’ lab in March 2019 as research engineer. Carole is involved in establishing new transgenic lines of quail and isolating Primordial Germinal Cells (PGC).
© Aline Bonnet, Institut Pasteur
Coupe transversale d’embryon de caille transgénique mbGFP à 18somites, au niveau du futur bourgeon de membre antérieur avec un marquage noyaux (bleu), GFP (vert) et actine (rouge) / Transversal section of a mbGFP transgenic quail embryo at 18-somite stage, at forelimb level, with nuclei (blue), GFP (green) and actin (red) labelling