Aurélien Villedieu obtained his PhD in developmental biology from Sorbonne University (Paris) in 2019. During his PhD, he studied epithelial invagination and migration in Drosophila. He joined the group of Jérome Gros in 2021, where his studies focus on the study of acto-myosin dynamics during early quail development.
Coupe transversale d’embryon de caille transgénique mbGFP à 18somites, au niveau du futur bourgeon de membre antérieur avec un marquage noyaux (bleu), GFP (vert) et actine (rouge) / Transversal section of a mbGFP transgenic quail embryo at 18-somite stage, at forelimb level, with nuclei (blue), GFP (green) and actin (red) labelling