Dr Philippe Ravaud is a MD-PHD in epidemiology and the director of the Centre of Epidemiology at the Hotel-Dieu (Paris) and of the French Cochrane Centre. For more than 15 years, his primary research has been evaluating and developing methodological solutions to assess treatments in patients with chronic diseases.
He is now launching ComPaRe (“COMmunity of PAtients for REsearch”), a Citizen Science projecty based on an umbrella e-cohort aiming at recruiting 100,000 patients with chronic diseases over 10 years and following them for 10 years. Patients join the project to donate time to accelerate research on their conditions by answering regular Patient-reported Outcomes and Patient-reported Experience instruments, online. All information reported by participants can then be enriched with other sources of data such as medico administrative data (SNDS), hospital data (APHP data warehouse), or data from patients’ own wearable devices.
ComPaRe is also a new model for research. Researchers from public institutions can easily join the project and use any data already collected or quickly set up new online questionnaires to conduct their research. Thus, in ComPaRe, a participant joins the study once but may participate in multiple research projects. Similarly, a data is collected once but may serve multiple research teams. This shared infrastructure for research will drastically reduce recruitment efforts in research and accelerate the path to discovery.Recruitment in ComPaRe started in January 2017 and is still ongoing, with about 7800 patients are currently included.
Building: François Jacob
Address: Institut Pasteur, Paris, France