Spinning-disk Ti2E
Inverted microscope, equipped with a Yokagawa CSU-W1 spinning disk with 2 pinhole size, and two cameras: a more sensitive and another more resolutive.
It allows the fast acquisition of optically sectioned slices at very high speed, and is compatible with live specimen imaging as it limits phototoxicity.
Features :
Available light sources
- 405 nm
- 488 nm
- 561 nm
- 640 nm
- Sola lamp (possibility to acquire images in widefield)
Available emission filters
- Blue 447/60
- Green 525/50
- Orange/Red 600/52
- Deep Red 708/75
- Quad band 440/521/607/700
- 4x 0.13 DRY, Working distance 17.1 mm
- 10x 0.45 DRY, WD 4 mm
- 20x 0.75 DRY, WD 1 mm
- 40x 1.15 WATER (water dispenser) WD 0.6
- 63x 1.4 OIL, WD 0.13
Two sCMOS cameras
- Hamamatsu, Orca Flash 4, pixel size 6.5 µm, 2048×2044 pixels, QE 82%
- Photometrics, Prime 95B, pixel size 11 µm, 1200×1200 pixels, QE 95%
- Acquisition software: NIS Element.
- Stand: Nikon Ti2E.
- Motorized XY stage, with a Z piezo stage, 200 μm range.
- Small environmental chamber with temperature, CO2, O2 and humidity control. Objective heater.
- Perfect focus system (PFS) as hardware focus stabilization.
- Confocal and widefield imaging
- Ultra Fast live specimen 5D imaging (X,Y,Z,C,T)
- Multi point imaging
- Stitching of tiled images for large FOV acquisition.
- Live data mode, Hardware focus stabilization for long term imaging.