Scanning microscope that allows the acquisition of images with optical sectioning and an extended field of view. Equipped with resonant scanners it is a high speed and low photo-toxicity microscope. It is the ideal system for the imaging of large surfaces.
- Field of view (FOV) 25mm
- Resonant scanners
- Epi-Fluorescence module with extended FOV
- Lasers : 405/488/561/640nm
- Objectives :
- 10/0.45 WD:5mm
- 10/0.5 WD:5.5mm
- 25X NA 1.05, WD: 0.55mm (SIL)
- 40X, NA 1.25, WD: 0.3mm (Oil)
- 60X NA 1.4, WD: 0.13 mm (Oil)