Types of infectious diseases [398]

Tatiana Barbar
Evolutionary genomics of RNA viruses

Study of tropism and the ability of the Oropouche virus to cross body barriers
Valérie Choumet

Jean-Bernard Duchemin

Léa Delmaire
Anthropology and Ecology of Disease Emergence
Léa Delmaire is a historian specialising in health and public health policies in Republican Turkey.In 2024 she defended a thesis entitled ‘“The Great Turkish Miracle”: The Problematisation and Politics of Tuberculosis in Turkey (1945-1975)’.Since […]

Nicolas Dufour
Bacteriophage, bacterium, host

Surveillance et étude des maladies au retour de voyage dans le cadre du réseau GeoSentinel
Paul-Henri Consigny • Oula Itani

Problèmes de santé chez les travailleurs humanitaires
Paul-Henri Consigny • Ghania Benabdelmoumen


Camille Schneider
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Camille Schneider has joined Institut Pasteur in November 2023 as a full-time PhD student. She is currently working on the development of tools for the analysis of bacterial outbreaks in humans by combining mathematical modelling, […]

Guillem Mas Fiol

Camille Pelletier
Sorry, this entry is only available in FR.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic bacterial disease found predominantly in impoverished populations inhabiting developing countries with tropical climates. Rodents are the main reservoir of the disease, excreting the bacteria in their urine. Humans are usually […]

FURTHEST: Unraveling the Foamy Virus interactions with the host: insights into the molecular mechanisms of entry and neutralization
Florence Buseyne

INTRANZIGEANT: Integrated study of Zika virus transmission to identify genetic mechanisms and new antiviral targets
Louis Lambrechts • Xavier Montagutelli