In line with the promotion of scientific cooperation between France and Japan, the Institut Pasteur, the French Embassy in Japan, and the Fondation Pasteur Japon are launching a two-year post-doctoral fellowship. The first (2019) call for this fellowship is exclusively dedicated to young researchers who have completed their higher education in Japan (PhD included), and who wish to pursue their scientific training and research interests at the Institut Pasteur . Candidates apply to carry out one of five research projects at the corresponding Institut Pasteur host laboratory.
Step A:
o The call guidelines, as well as the list and descriptions of the five research projects proposed by Institut Pasteur scientists, are available below.
Call guidelines
List of projects
Description of research project 1
Description of research project 2
Description of research project 3
Description of research project 4
Description of research project 5
Publication date: 8 July 2019
o Interested candidates should accomplish the Basic Application Form in English, clearly indicating the research project that they are applying for, and e-mail it to
Basic Application Form
Deadline for submission: 20 September 2019
o For each research project, the corresponding Institut Pasteur scientist will select one candidate who will proceed to Step B.
Step B:
o The five candidates will receive the Complete Application Form from the corresponding Institut Pasteur scientists. The candidates and scientists should jointly accomplish the application and e-mail it to
Deadline for submission: 31 October 2019
Step C:
o The awardee will be selected by a tripartite committee composed of representatives from the Institut Pasteur, the French Embassy in Japan, and the Fondation Pasteur Japon.
Anticipated announcement of the final decision: 29 November 2019
If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete Step A before 20 September 2019.
Contact and information: