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Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini Postdoctoral Fellowships Call Including a Satellite Session dedicated to Research and Technology – Fall 2024 Session

Scientific Fields
Application Deadline
Sep 2024
2024-09-16 8:00:00 2024-09-16 18:00:00 Europe/Paris Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini Postdoctoral Fellowships Call Including a Satellite Session dedicated to Research and Technology – Fall 2024 Session ABOUT THE PROGRAM The Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini postdoctoral program supports two-year fellowships as part of the Emile Roux funds and Mrs. Paola Marchetti-Cantarini’s legacy in memory of her late husband Mr. Manlio Cantarini. NEW – This […] "25-28 rue du Dr. Roux, 75015, Paris" Mallory Perrin-Wolff

The Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini postdoctoral program supports two-year fellowships as part of the Emile Roux funds and Mrs. Paola Marchetti-Cantarini’s legacy in memory of her late husband Mr. Manlio Cantarini.

NEW – This call is now open to postdoctoral researchers conducting their research project at Institut Pasteur New Caledonia, Institut Pasteur French Guiana or Institut Pasteur Guadeloupe in addition to the ones conducting their research at Institut Pasteur campus.

Since 2022, this call is also open to postdoctoral researchers conducting their collaborative Research and Technology project between a laboratory and a platform/UTechS located on Institut Pasteur campus. Such PRC-Tech postdoctoral fellowships aim at developing some new technology or methodology to answer a biological question.

  • Fellowships are for two years (the duration of this fellowship may not be less than 18 months).
  • Funding is exclusively paid as a salary and covers health insurance and retirement. No funding for consumables or equipment or travel costs. No operating costs and management fees will be covered. The fellowship amount will be defined according to the local postdoctoral rating system.
  • 2 separate Application Forms are available:

    STANDARD Application Form
    TECH Application Form (to be used exclusively for the PRC-Tech candidates – Satellite Session dedicated to Research and Technology)
  • For any question, contact
  • Application deadline: September 16th, 2024 (1:00 PM – Paris time)
  • Anticipated announcement of decisions: Mid-November 2024
  • Starting date: funding must start at the latest on April 1st, 2025
  • The Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini fellowships are only tenable in Institut Pasteur Paris, Institut Pasteur New Caledonia, Institut Pasteur French Guiana or Institut Pasteur Guadeloupe research entities (referred collectively “IP ”).
  • Only collaborative projects between a research laboratory and a platform/UTechS (technology platform or technology service unit) are eligible to apply.
  • The host research laboratory and host platform/UTechS must be located on IP Paris campus: the fellowship will not cover any travel expenses etc.
  • These projects must be co-directed by a supervisor working in an IP Paris host research laboratory and a supervisor working in an IP Paris platform/UTechS. To this end, please note that for these PRC Tech projets the platform/UTechs is not a service provider but an active collaborator who does not do the experiments, but instead will part-time host and supervise the postdoc at the facility to learn the protocols and perform the planned experiments her/himself
  • Only one application shall be presented under the same co-supervision (even if the Research & Technology proposed project or candidate is different).
  • The host IP research entity can only present one application per session.
  • Candidates of any nationality are eligible to apply.
  • Candidates must have completed their PhD degree (no later than six years prior the date of application, i.e. obtained their thesis after October 1st, 2018) or will do so prior to commencing fellowship (date scheduled for the thesis defense). 
    –> In case of woman postdoc candidate, her maternity leave will provide her with one year of derogation per child. For example, the eligibility period is extended to 7 years after the thesis defense in case of one pregnancy.
    –> For any other specific request (including paternity leave, long-term illness, national/military service etc), please feel free to contact the PRC Team at
  • Former Postdocs, whether they are already at Institut Pasteur Paris, Institut Pasteur New Caledonia, Institut Pasteur French Guiana or Institut Pasteur Guadeloupe or not, are eligible to apply to the Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini fellowship program. Postdocs already present in one of the mentioned Institut Pasteur are subjected to administrative rules for fixed-term contracts of the host Institut Pasteur and are invited to contact their HR manager (GAP) to check for their eligibility before applying. Please note that it is your PI’s responsibility to ensure that your fellowship will be in line with the laboratory/platform’s ETM.
  • Except if a first postdoctoral training has been performed in another research Institution, applications from former IP Ph.D students will not be considered.
  • Unsuccessful applicants to a previous Pasteur-Roux -Cantarini fellowship call are eligible to re-apply, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria for this current session. Applicants who wish to do so can inform in advance to use the support letters from the previous session.
  • ATTENTION –  Successful fellows of the Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini program must start their work in the host IP entity at the latest on April 1st, 2025. Please check this criteria before applying and keep in mind that, there are 2 PRC sessions per year (detailed in the application form) that will allow you to choose the best time to submit your application.
  • The proposed scientific program must be achievable within the two-year funding
  • After submission of the application and until the Final Selection, we thank the applicant and/or the PI of the host entities to inform of any changes that may have an impact on the acceptance of the fellowship by the applicant.
  • No unsollicited applications will be processed outside of the Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini program call. Before applying, the candidate must ensure he/she is accepted by a host research entity of Institut Pasteur Paris, Institut Pasteur New Caledonia, Institut Pasteur French Guiana or Institut Pasteur Guadeloupe (or co-accepted by the laboratory and the technological facility of IP Paris campus in the case of a PRC-Tech application)
  • Applications from an IP research entity that currently benefits from an internal postdoctoral funding package (e.g. G5 or unit) are not accepted.
  • Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini fellowships cannot be used to complement other sources of funding. The duration of this fellowship may not be less than 18 months.
  • Applications from former IP PhD students will not be considered, except if a first postdoctoral training has been performed in another research Institution.
  • A Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini fellowship will not be awarded to the same host IP research entity (including Platform/UtechS) in two consecutive calls.

Funding is paid as a salary and covers health insurance and retirement; No funding for consumables, equipment or travel costs. No operating costs and management fees will be covered. The fellowhip amount will be defined according to the local postdoctoral rating system.

The contract duration of the fellowship must be comprised between 18 to 24 months.

Each application will be reviewed by two scientists from our experts panel.

The reviewers will carry out the assessment according to the following evaluation criteria:

  • Qualifications and achievements of candidate
  • Proposed scientific project including feasibility / risk balance, originality and novelty
  • Match of candidate/project
  • Impact of this fellowship on the candidate’s career

The final decision will be made following the panel meeting and confirmed by the executive management. Candidates will be notifed in due course.

  • One final written report will be requested at the end of the fellowship.
  • The postdoctoral fellows will also be closely supervised by the Institut Pasteur Career development service for scientists (CARE for Scientists), to support them in the development of their career.
  • Download the full Guidelines of the Fall 2024 session
  • Application Form (STANDARD FORM or TECH FORM when appropriate) :
    – should be sent before September 16th, 2024 (1:00PM) to the PRC Team at the following address: under a pdf format named as follows: Applicant’s SURNAME Name_ Lab Head’s SURNAME.pdf (example: SMITH John_Lab CARTER)
    – The PRC Team will acknowledge the receipt of each submitted application.
  • Recommendation letters to be provided separately: Up to three reference letters sent directly from referees to before September 16th, 2024. Recommendation letters must be submitted on official institution letterhead and named as follow LOR_Applicant’s SURNAME Name_ Referee’s SURNAME.pdf (example: LOR_SMITH John_KENNEDY)
  • Mallory Perrin-Wolff : Head of Department for Scientific Programming and Incentive Actions
  • Emilie Boutet : Coordinator of the PRC postdoctoral fellowship program
  • Contact :