Following 13 years in research organizations of four countries and a year in a contract research organization-CRO, I am currently working on research management within the Institut Pasteur.
My background is in toxicology (pregraduate projects, Erasmus project) and in molecular and cellular aspects of muscle stem cells and regeneration (PhD & later projects). Since 2018 I gradually shifted from research to research management, with positions focusing on project management and grant writing. In the broader research management community, I participate in activities of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators-EARMA, including being member in one of EARMA’s five Standing Committees. Within Institut Pasteur, I’m affiliated to the Grants Office and to the Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Analytics team, led by Dr. Michael White. My main activity is the project management of PvSTATEM, an EU-funded project that brings together European and African partners to fight malaria.