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EMBO Conference (24-28 July 2017)Anna-Bella Failloux
On Mon 11/18, we held a Mini-Symposium: “The Human Embryo: Novel Perspectives in Research and Disease Mechanisms” and STEM CELL DAY. Lively discussions thanks to our prominent speakers and participants!Laure Bally-Cuif
IDMI-DIM1Health SymposiumMichaela Muller-Trutwin
21st International AIDS Conference
Parallels between natural and experimental evolution of symbiosisMarie Touchon
“Genome-wide association study on Viral hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma” with Prof. Yasuhito Tanaka – Infection & Epidemiology departmentYusuke Shimakawa
Cell Biology and Infection Day – December 1, 2016 Institut Pasteur, Paris, France Amphithéâtre DuclauxChiara Zurzolo
Neuroscience Seminar Series: Neocortical dynamics during sensory discrimination behaviorFlorent Haiss
Seminar Dept Microbiology “Orientia tsutsugamushi and the obligate intracellular bacterial lifestyle”, Jeanne SaljeSimonetta Gribaldo
Computational Vaccinology WorkshopChristiane Gerke
Seminar: Transcriptional mechanisms that promote differentiation while preserving potency in embyonic stem cells // by Joshua BrickmanPablo Navarro Gil
Two postdoctoral positions in mathematical/statistical modelling of infectious diseasesSimon Cauchemez
Postdoc position in neurosciences
Postdoc postion – Structural biology of type IV pili machineriesGuillaume Dumenil
Postdoctoral position in Mitochondrial Biology and GeneticsTimothy Wai
Post Doc position in Towards a combined post-exposure prophylaxis and successful treatment of rabies in humans (4th International call Infect-ERA: ToRRENT)Malika Jellaoui
PostDoc offer: Role of human autoantibodies against nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in psychiatric diseaseFriederike Jönsson