Deep Learning Powered Holographic Microscopy for Biothreat Detection on Field
The project Holozcan is officially holding its Kick–Off meeting on Monday 05 and Tuesday 06 July 2021, in Budapest, Hungary.
Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the implementing Consortium gathers nine organisations, from five different EU Countries, for a three–years duration and with a total budget contribution of € 4 380 400. It is coordinated by Ideas Science Ltd of Hungary.
The project develops comprehensive and innovative means of respiratory, ventilation and environmental biological data sampling that can be used in real–time, standoff or in mobile context, to detect bio–threats in the form of pathogens and bacteria. The technology is versatile for a wide range of applications, and its development shall heavily rely on a consultation and exchange process with Stakeholders to best define users–needs.
This two–days meeting will combine an in–presence attendance, with an online teleconference simultaneously, so all Invitees and Participants can attend in full, listen to the presentations and interact with each other’s. In addition to all Consortium Partners, the Project is honored with the participation of the EU REA Project Officer Ms. Patricia RISCHITOR, with Mr. Gergely MÉSZÁROS, Horizon Europe EU and Security National Contact Point for Hungary, Mr. Filippo CAREMOLI, HoloZcan External Ethics Advisor.
The meeting agenda fulfills the goals to present the activities and main line of actions that will be rolled out starting today. A series of open discussions on every topic, will allow to deepen understanding for all participants, as well as to offer an opportunity to hear from our invitees and learn from their advices and comments.
More information about the project can be found at (officially launched today), and also on LinkedIn at and on Twitter / Contact details:
The CRBIP will provide expertise in microbiology in order to support the consortium in the database building and system configurations. It will also help in the setting up of protocols for human sampling and sample management.
This project has received funding from the European UNion’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No 101021723
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