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Former Teams
Collection of the Institut Pasteur (CIP)Meriem Paris
UMR3571 – Genes, Synapses and CognitionPierre-Jean Corringer
InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular ProcessesGrégory Batt
Cochlear development and therapeutic perspectivesRaphaël Etournay
Enteric Bacterial PathogensFrancois-Xavier Weill
Ultrastructural BioImagingAdeline Mallet, Ultrastructural BioImaging
HBP-CDP6: Modelling for Drug DiscoveryPierre-Jean Corringer
Nanotherapeutics for Antibiotic Resistant Emerging Bacterial pathogensBrigitte Gicquel
Systems biology of cell infection by the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenesJavier Pizarro-Cerda
CNF1 and Rho GTPases ubiquitylation in cellular invasion by uropathogenic E. coliEmmanuel Lemichez
Investigation how eukaryotic domain capture might work: the evolution of a bacterial effectorCarmen Buchrieser
Impact of dietary metabolites on tumor-associated myeloid cells : from mechanisms to therapeutic applicationsChristian Vosshenrich