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© Institut Pasteur/Antoinette Ryter
Salmonella spp. Bactéries à Gram négatif, aérobies ou anaérobies facultatifs à transmission orofécale. Les salmonelles majeures (sérotype typhi et sérotype paratyphi) sont responsables des fièvres typhoïde et paratyphoïde chez l'homme uniquement ; les salmonelles mineures (sérotype typhimurium et sérotype enteritidis) sont impliquées dans 30 à 60 % des gastroentérites et toxiinfections d'origine alimentaire. Image colorisée.
Publication : Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin

Investigation of an international outbreak of multidrug-resistant monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium associated with chocolate products, EU/EEA and United Kingdom, February to April 2022.

Scientific Fields

Published in Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin - 01 Apr 2022

Larkin L, Pardos de la Gandara M, Hoban A, Pulford C, Jourdan-Da Silva N, de Valk H, Browning L, Falkenhorst G, Simon S, Lachmann R, Dryselius R, Karamehmedovic N, Börjesson S, van Cauteren D, Laisnez V, Mattheus W, Pijnacker R, van den Beld M, Mossong J, Ragimbeau C, Vergison A, Thorstensen Brandal L, Lange H, Garvey P, Nielsen CS, Herrera León S, Varela C, Chattaway M, Weill FX, Brown D, McKeown P

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 35426359

Link to DOI – 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.15.2200314

Euro Surveill 2022 Apr; 27(15):

An extensive multi-country outbreak of multidrug-resistant monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium infection in 10 countries with 150 reported cases, predominantly affecting young children, has been linked to chocolate products produced by a large multinational company. Extensive withdrawals and recalls of multiple product lines have been undertaken. With Easter approaching, widespread product distribution and the vulnerability of the affected population, early and effective real-time sharing of microbiological and epidemiological information has been of critical importance in effectively managing this serious food-borne incident.