- Left-click and drag the background to move the graph
- Left-click and drag the nodes to reorganize
- Left-click a node to view first level connections
- Double left-click a node to navigate to its page
- Double left-click the background to zoom in
- Right-click the background to zoom out
sigma.canvas.nodes.image = (function() {
var _cache = {},
_loading = {},
_callbacks = {};
// Return the renderer itself:
var renderer = function(node, context, settings) {
var args = arguments,
prefix = settings('prefix') || '',
size = node[prefix + 'size'],
color = node.color || settings('defaultNodeColor'),
url = node.url;
if (_cache[url]) {;
// Draw the clipping disc:
node[prefix + 'x'],
node[prefix + 'y'],
node[prefix + 'size'],
Math.PI * 2,
// Draw the image
node[prefix + 'x'] - size,
node[prefix + 'y'] - size,
2 * size,
2 * size
// Quit the "clipping mode":
// Draw the border:
node[prefix + 'x'],
node[prefix + 'y'],
node[prefix + 'size'],
Math.PI * 2,
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.strokeStyle = node.color || settings('defaultNodeColor');
} else {
// Let's add a public method to cache images, to make it possible to
// preload images before the initial rendering:
renderer.cache = function(url, callback) {
if (callback)
_callbacks[url] = callback;
if (_loading[url])
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
_loading[url] = false;
_cache[url] = img;
if (_callbacks[url]) {
_callbacks[url].call(this, img);
delete _callbacks[url];
_loading[url] = true;
img.src = url;
return renderer;
var i,
offset_left = 0.5,
N = 1,
E = 40,
C = 5,
d = 0.5,
cs = [],
g = {
nodes: [],
edges: []
if (!sigma.classes.graph.hasMethod('neighbors')){
sigma.classes.graph.addMethod('neighbors', function(nodeId) {
var k,
neighbors = {},
index = this.allNeighborsIndex[nodeId] || {};
for (k in index)
neighbors[k] = this.nodesIndex[k];
return neighbors;
//adding the central node
id: 4214,
label: 'Bruno Dupuy',
type: 'image',
url: '',
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 30,
color: '#DDDDDD'
var biggest_node_size = 0;
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 208795,
label: 'PROJECT: The Microbiology Chronicles',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 4214208795,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 208795,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 134269,
label: 'Rebecca Pavillard',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 208795134269,
size: 0.5,
source: 208795,
target: 134269 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 157672,
label: 'Olivier Cordin',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 208795157672,
size: 0.5,
source: 208795,
target: 157672 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 103214,
label: 'Frédéric Barras',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 208795103214,
size: 0.5,
source: 208795,
target: 103214 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 2087954214,
size: 0.5,
source: 208795,
target: 4214 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 1 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 1 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 186779,
label: 'NEWS: Highlighted paper: “c-di-AMP signaling is required for bile salt resistance, osmotolerance, and long-term host colonization by Clostridioides difficile”, Oberkampf et al. Science Signalling; Sept 2022; Pathogenesis of Bacterial anaerobes Unit; Microbiology Dpt.',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 4214186779,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 186779,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 8590,
label: 'Marine Oberkampf De Dabrun',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 1867798590,
size: 0.5,
source: 186779,
target: 8590 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 1867794214,
size: 0.5,
source: 186779,
target: 4214 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4215,
label: 'Johann Peltier',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 1867794215,
size: 0.5,
source: 186779,
target: 4215 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 2 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 2 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 172770,
label: 'NEWS: Highlighted publication: “In vivo commensal control of Clostridioides difficile virulence” Girinathan et al., Cell Host ; Microbes, Pathenogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes team',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 4214172770,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 172770,
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4215) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 1727704215,
size: 0.5,
source: 172770,
target: 4215 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 1727704214,
size: 0.5,
source: 172770,
target: 4214 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 3 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 3 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 122746,
label: 'PROJECT: Biofilms formed by anaerobes',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 4214122746,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 122746,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 77657,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 12274677657,
size: 0.5,
source: 122746,
target: 77657 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4344,
label: 'Bianca Audrain',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 1227464344,
size: 0.5,
source: 122746,
target: 4344 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 120932,
label: 'Stanislas Thiriet-Rupert',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 122746120932,
size: 0.5,
source: 122746,
target: 120932 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 119197,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 122746119197,
size: 0.5,
source: 122746,
target: 119197 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 1227464214,
size: 0.5,
source: 122746,
target: 4214 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4337,
label: 'Jean-Marc Ghigo',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 1227464337,
size: 0.5,
source: 122746,
target: 4337 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4335,
label: 'Christophe Beloin',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 1227464335,
size: 0.5,
source: 122746,
target: 4335 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 4 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 4 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 77181,
label: 'PROJECT: Prophage elements as a significant source of genetic diversity among epidemic C. difficile 027 strains',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421477181,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 77181,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 77046,
label: 'Julian Garneau',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 7718177046,
size: 0.5,
source: 77181,
target: 77046 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 3957,
label: 'David Bikard',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 771813957,
size: 0.5,
source: 77181,
target: 3957 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 3959,
label: 'Florence Depardieu',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 771813959,
size: 0.5,
source: 77181,
target: 3959 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 771814214,
size: 0.5,
source: 77181,
target: 4214 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4219,
label: 'Marc Monot',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 771814219,
size: 0.5,
source: 77181,
target: 4219 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 5 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 5 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 77157,
label: 'COURSE: Workshop: Bacterial RNAseq',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421477157,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 77157,
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4219) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 771574219,
size: 0.5,
source: 77157,
target: 4219 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4211,
label: 'Isabelle Martin-Verstraete',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 771574211,
size: 0.5,
source: 77157,
target: 4211 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4212,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 771574212,
size: 0.5,
source: 77157,
target: 4212 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 771574214,
size: 0.5,
source: 77157,
target: 4214 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 917,
label: 'Odile Sismeiro',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 77157917,
size: 0.5,
source: 77157,
target: 917 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 57915,
label: 'Rachel Legendre',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 7715757915,
size: 0.5,
source: 77157,
target: 57915 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 6830,
label: 'Fabien Mareuil',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 771576830,
size: 0.5,
source: 77157,
target: 6830 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 6823,
label: 'Olivia Doppelt-Azeroual',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 771576823,
size: 0.5,
source: 77157,
target: 6823 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 6 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 6 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 57676,
label: 'EVENT: Phage Bacteria interactions in Clostridium difficile',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421457676,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 57676,
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 576764214,
size: 0.5,
source: 57676,
target: 4214 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 7 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 7 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 48473,
label: 'PROJECT: Biology of anaerobic biofilm formed by Clostridium difficile and their role in infections',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421448473,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 48473,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4213,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 484734213,
size: 0.5,
source: 48473,
target: 4213 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4219) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 484734219,
size: 0.5,
source: 48473,
target: 4219 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 85370,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 4847385370,
size: 0.5,
source: 48473,
target: 85370 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4211) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 484734211,
size: 0.5,
source: 48473,
target: 4211 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 484734214,
size: 0.5,
source: 48473,
target: 4214 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 8 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 8 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 49038,
label: 'PROJECT: The regulatory network of sporulation and spore morphogenesis in Clostridium difficile',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421449038,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 49038,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 48854,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 4903848854,
size: 0.5,
source: 49038,
target: 48854 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4219) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 490384219,
size: 0.5,
source: 49038,
target: 4219 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 57317,
label: 'Carolina Alves Feliciano',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 4903857317,
size: 0.5,
source: 49038,
target: 57317 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 490384214,
size: 0.5,
source: 49038,
target: 4214 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4211) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 490384211,
size: 0.5,
source: 49038,
target: 4211 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 9 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 9 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 32578,
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421432578,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 32578,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 32990,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 3257832990,
size: 0.5,
source: 32578,
target: 32990 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 325784214,
size: 0.5,
source: 32578,
target: 4214 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4219) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 325784219,
size: 0.5,
source: 32578,
target: 4219 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 10 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 10 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 14686,
label: 'PROGRAM_PROJECT: LabEx IBEID – Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421414686,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 14686,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 203306,
label: 'Cyril Renassia',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 14686203306,
size: 0.5,
source: 14686,
target: 203306 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 3949,
label: 'Philippe Bastin',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 146863949,
size: 0.5,
source: 14686,
target: 3949 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4775,
label: 'Carla Saleh',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 146864775,
size: 0.5,
source: 14686,
target: 4775 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 11 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 11 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 6127,
label: 'TEAM: Pathogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 42146127,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 6127,
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4211) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 61274211,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 4211 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 7734,
label: 'Nadine Delarue',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 61277734,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 7734 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 126795,
label: 'Claire Morvan',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 6127126795,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 126795 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 150333,
label: 'Cyril Anjou',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 6127150333,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 150333 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 160642,
label: 'Auriane Monestier',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 6127160642,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 160642 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 167106,
label: 'Léo Caulat',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 6127167106,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 167106 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 192136,
label: 'Eva Chatonnat',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 6127192136,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 192136 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 8278,
label: 'Aline Crouzols',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 61278278,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 8278 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 213963,
label: 'Aurélie Lotoux',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 6127213963,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 213963 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 61274214,
size: 0.5,
source: 6127,
target: 4214 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 12 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 12 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 22,
label: 'DEPARTMENT: Microbiology',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421422,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 22,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 193087,
label: 'Henna Maulaboksh',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 22193087,
size: 0.5,
source: 22,
target: 193087 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 157672) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 22157672,
size: 0.5,
source: 22,
target: 157672 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 134269) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 22134269,
size: 0.5,
source: 22,
target: 134269 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 103214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 22103214,
size: 0.5,
source: 22,
target: 103214 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 224214,
size: 0.5,
source: 22,
target: 4214 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 13 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 13 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 47783,
label: 'PROJECT: Control of toxin synthesis and secretion in Clostridium difficile',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421447783,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 47783,
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4218,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 477834218,
size: 0.5,
source: 47783,
target: 4218 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4219) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 477834219,
size: 0.5,
source: 47783,
target: 4219 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 32993,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 4778332993,
size: 0.5,
source: 47783,
target: 32993 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4213) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 477834213,
size: 0.5,
source: 47783,
target: 4213 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4211) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 477834211,
size: 0.5,
source: 47783,
target: 4211 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 127036,
label: 'Revathi Govind',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 47783127036,
size: 0.5,
source: 47783,
target: 127036 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 127043,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 47783127043,
size: 0.5,
source: 47783,
target: 127043 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 477834214,
size: 0.5,
source: 47783,
target: 4214 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 14 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 14 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 33026,
label: 'PROJECT: Pathogenomic analysis of high potential virulent strains of C. difficile',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 35,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 421433026,
size: 0.5,
source: 4214,
target: 33026,
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4219) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 330264219,
size: 0.5,
source: 33026,
target: 4219 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 32990) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 3302632990,
size: 0.5,
source: 33026,
target: 32990 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 48659,
label: '',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#dddddd'
//link to content
id: 3302648659,
size: 0.5,
source: 33026,
target: 48659 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4214) {
n.size = n.size + 8;
//link to content
id: 330264214,
size: 0.5,
source: 33026,
target: 4214 });
var s = new sigma({
//container: document.getElementById('graph-main'),
graph: g,
renderer: {
// This works only with the canvas renderer, so the
// renderer type set as "canvas" is necessary here.
container: document.getElementById('graph-main'),
type: 'canvas'
settings: {
minNodeSize: 6,
maxNodeSize: 35,
mouseWheelEnabled: false,
font: 'Montserrat',
defaultNodeBorderColor: '#999',
// We first need to save the original colors of our
// nodes and edges, like this:
s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
n.originalColor = n.color;
s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {
e.originalColor = e.color;
// When a node is clicked, we check for each node
// if it is a neighbor of the clicked one. If not,
// we set its color as grey, and else, it takes its
// original color.
// We do the same for the edges, and we only keep
// edges that have both extremities colored.
s.bind('clickNode', function(e) {
var nodeId =,
toKeep = s.graph.neighbors(nodeId);
toKeep[nodeId] =;
s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
if (toKeep[])
n.color = '#35a9f5';
n.color = '#dddddd';
s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {
if (toKeep[e.source] && toKeep[])
e.color = '#35a9f5';
e.color = '#dddddd';
// Since the data has been modified, we need to
// call the refresh method to make the colors
// update effective.
// When the stage is clicked, we just color each
// node and edge with its original color.
s.bind('clickStage', function(e) {
s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
n.color = n.originalColor;
s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {
e.color = e.originalColor;
// Same as in the previous event:
s.bind("doubleClickNode", function (e) {
$("#canvas-wrap, .sigma-scene, .sigma-mouse").val();
ajax_load_page( );
var c =;
s.bind("rightClickStage", function (e) {, {
ratio: c.ratio * c.settings('zoomingRatio')
}, {
duration: 200
// Configure the noverlap layout:
var noverlapListener = s.configNoverlap({
nodeMargin: 10,
scaleNodes: 0.3,
gridSize: 1,
easing: 'quadraticInOut', // animation transition function
duration: 4000 // animation duration. Long here for the purposes of this example only
// Bind the events:
noverlapListener.bind('start stop interpolate', function(e) {
if(e.type === 'start') {
if(e.type === 'interpolate') {
// Start the layout:
// Initialize the dragNodes plugin:
var dragListener = sigma.plugins.dragNodes(s, s.renderers[0]);
dragListener.bind('startdrag', function(event) {
dragListener.bind('drag', function(event) {
dragListener.bind('drop', function(event) {
dragListener.bind('dragend', function(event) {