Projet ANR Texleish: Targeting host-parasite interactions through the inhibition of excreted leishmania casein kinase 1 Pascal Marchand
Projet Pasteur-Weizmann project: Role of kinases in vesicle-mediated regulation of host-pathogen interactions: Focus on Leishmania donovani and Plasmodium falciparum. Najma Rachidi • Neta Regev-Rudzki
Projet Parafrap grant : Studying two complementary infection models to identify common mechanisms of intracellular parasite survival: The roles of Leishmania and Eimeria exo-kinases in subversion of host cell signalling. Najma Rachidi
Ingénieur(e) de Recherche Ludivine Baron Biologie de l’Infection et de la Transmission de Plasmodium Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en EN.
Post-doctorant(e) Parul Singh Chromatine et Transcription de Plasmodium Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en EN.
Projet Campus France – Franco-Thai Mobility Programme / PHC SIAM. Comparative genomic analysis and phenotypic drug screening of Leishmania martiniquensis and Leishmania orientalis, the parasites causing emerging leishmaniasis in Thailand. Gérald Spaeth