
Escherichia coli-Specific CXCL13-Producing TFH Are Associated with Clinical Efficacy of Neoadjuvant PD-1 Blockade against Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer.

Cancer discovery
Goubet AG, Lordello L, Alves Costa Silva C, Peguillet I, Gazzano M, Mbogning-Fonkou MD, Thelemaque C, Lebacle C, Thibault C, Audenet F, Pignot G, Gravis G, Helissey C, Campedel L, Roupret M, Xylinas E, Ouzaid I, Dubuisson A, Mazzenga M, Flament C, Ly P, Marty V, Signolle N, Sauvat A, Sbarrato T, Filahi M, Davin C, Haddad G, Bou Khalil J, Bleriot C, Danlos FX, Dunsmore G, Mulder K, Silvin A, Raoult T, Archambaud B, Belhechmi S, Gomperts Boneca I, Cayet N, Moya-Nilges M, Mallet A, Daillere R, Rouleau E, Radulescu C, Allory Y, Fieschi J, Rouanne M, Ginhoux F, Le Teuff G, Derosa L, Marabelle A, Van Dorp J, Van Dijk N, Van Der Heijden MS, Besse B, Andre F, Merad M, Kroemer G, Scoazec JY, Zitvogel L, Loriot Y