Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 2460403
Immunogenetics 1988;28(6):417-24
Cryptococcus neoformans is responsible for opportunistic infections in patients with cellular immune defects. However, C. neoformans-specific capsular polysaccharide antibodies have been shown to participate in host defenses during cryptococcosis. We investigated the humoral response after primary immunization in various inbred strains of mice and the genetic control. Our data strengthen the arguments for the T-independent type-2 nature of cryptococcal antigen, since CBA/N mice were unable to produce specific antibodies. They show that the influence of the genetic background is predominant for the good response with at least four independent autosomal genes governing this response, including an Igh control as reported for other polysaccharides. Immunization of intra-H-2 recombinant mice on a B10 background allowed us to identify a major histocompatibility complex control located in the subregion E alpha. The genetic control of antibody production following immunization with cryptococcal polysaccharide might explain the high variability of humoral responses during cryptococcosis.