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2015A FACS-optimized screen identifies regulators of genome stability in Candida albicans, Eukaryotic Cell 2015 Mar;14(3):311-22.
2014Postartesunate delayed hemolysis is a predictable event related to the lifesaving effect of artemisinins, Blood 2014 Jul;124(2):167-75.
2012Quantitative assessment of sensing and sequestration of spherocytic erythrocytes by the human spleen, Blood 2012 Jul;120(2):424-30.
2010Setting of methods for analysis of mucosal antibodies in seminal and vaginal fluids of HIV seropositive subjects from Cambodian and Italian cohorts, PLoS ONE 2010;5(3):e9920.
2008Electron-multiplying charge-coupled detector-based bioluminescence recording of single-cell Ca2+, J Biomed Opt 2008 May-Jun;13(3):031211.
2006Evaluation of a boosted-p24 antigen assay for the early diagnosis of pediatric HIV-1 infection in Cambodia, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2006 Dec;75(6):1103-5.
2006HIV-specific antibodies but not t-cell responses are associated with protection in seronegative partners of HIV-1-infected individuals in Cambodia, J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 2006 Aug;42(4):412-9.
2005Predictive value of anti-cell and anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) humoral responses in HIV-1-exposed seronegative cohorts of European and Asian origin, J. Gen. Virol. 2005 Feb;86(Pt 2):339-48.
2004New CCR5 variants associated with reduced HIV coreceptor function in southeast Asia, AIDS 2004 Nov;18(17):2243-52.
2003Expression strategies of ambisense viruses, Virus Res. 2003 Jun;93(2):141-50.
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