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2025Upstream stimulating factor 1 (USF1) -202 G/A polymorphism and serum levels of USF1 and USF2 are associated with gastric cancer risk: a case control study., J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2025 Mar; 151(3): 113.
2024Protein Biomarkers of Gastric Preneoplasia and Cancer Lesions in Blood: A Comprehensive Review., Cancers (Basel) 2024 Aug; 16(17): .
2023Mitochondrial Function in Health and Disease: Responses to Helicobacter pylori Metabolism and Impact in Gastric Cancer Development., Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 2023 ; 444(): 53-81.
2022Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Variations in Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers: Potential Players., J Gastrointest Cancer 2022 Sep; 53(3): 770-781.
2021Selective Targeting of Human and Animal Pathogens of the Helicobacter Genus by Flavodoxin Inhibitors: Efficacy, Synergy, Resistance and Mechanistic Studies., Int J Mol Sci 2021 Sep; 22(18): .
2021Multimodal imaging as optical biopsy system for gastritis diagnosis in humans, and input of the mouse model., EBioMedicine 2021 Jul; 69(): 103462.
2021Dynamic Changes of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., Cancer Invest 2021 Feb; 39(2): 163-179.
2020Multispectral imaging detects gastritis consistently in mouse model and in humans., Sci Rep 2020 11; 10(1): 20047.
2020Orally administrated chitosan microspheres bind Helicobacter pylori and decrease gastric infection in mice., Acta Biomater 2020 09; 114(): 206-220.
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