Directeur médical de l’Institut Pasteur
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Projets Transversaux
2024Clearance of pathogenic erythrocytes is maintained despite spleen dysfunction in children with sickle cell disease, Am J Hematol.
2024Health problems and exposure to infectious risks in returning humanitarian aid workers., J Travel Med 2024 Jul; 31(5): .
2023Retention of uninfected red blood cells causing congestive splenomegaly is the major mechanism of anemia in malaria, Am J Hematol.
2022Erythrocytic vacuoles that accumulate a fluorescent dye predict spleen size and function in sickle cell disease, American Journal of Hematology.
2022Splenic clearance of rigid erythrocytes as an inherited mechanism for splenomegaly and natural resistance to malaria, EBio Medicine.