Cell circuit control of lymphocyte development

Influenza-associated aspergillosis in critically ill patients – Joost Wauters
Joost Wauters- Ziekenhuis University (Leuven, Belgium) Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) typically occurs in a severely immunocompromised host and isolation of Aspergillus species in the immunocompetent host is mostly considered colonization. Overall, the six-week mortality […]

Half-Day Symposium “NMR Beyond Protein Structures”
NMR is a powerful and versatile tool for biology that is well know for its use in structure determination and dynamics of macromolecules. In the context of the future creation of a biological NMR […]

Gamma-delta T cells as main source of (patho)physilogical IL-17 in non-lymphoid tissues

Getting started with Icy – User-friendly Bioimage Analysis – 29th of June 2018.
Icy basic training – Hands on. The Image Analysis Hub of the Institut Pasteur and the Bioimage Analysis group organize a day dedicated to a hands-on introduction to Icy. Icy is the software for […]

Department of Neuroscience “Investigating the transcriptional changes at the basis of memory formation in the hippocampus”
Neuronal circuits are constantly refined and remodeled in response to activity. Activity-induced plasticity is responsible for the brain’s ability to adjust to changing conditions, as in the sculpting of circuits during development, adaptation after […]

Roles of platelets and their microparticles in inflammation

BDCS Department seminar by Professor Norbert Perrimon, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
“The intricate world of Inter-organ communication” Organ-to-organ communications are critical to living systems and play major roles in homeostasis. Drosophila is a prime system for systematically identifying mechanisms involved in organ communication because libraries of transgenic RNAi lines are […]

Groupe de Réflexion SIDA (GRS) meeting: “Humanized mice models for HIV studies”
Organizers : Hugo MOUQUET and Lisa CHAKRABARTI Pasteur Institute, Paris Speakers : Guillemette MASSE-RANSON Innate Immunity Unit, Pasteur Institute, Paris Combining immunotherapies in HIV-infected Human Immune System (HIS) mice Yu Chun LONE Lwoff Institute, Paris South University and INSERM UMR1197, […]

BDCS Department seminar by Professor Christian Klämbt, University of Münster, Institute of Neuro- and Behavioral Biology, Germany
“Brain, Barriers, and Behavior in Drosophila” Abstract: Glial cells are an essential component required for the functionality of all complex nervous systems. In lower vertebrates and invertebrates, glial cells establish the blood-brain barrier and […]

BDCS Department seminar by Dr. Stéphane Nédelec, Stem cells in neurodevelopment and diseases team, Institut du fer à moulin Inserm, UPMC, Paris
“Temporal construction and deconstruction of neuronal identities in development and disease: a human pluripotent stem cell perspective” Targeted differentiations of pluripotent stem cells open new avenues to study the development, evolution and disease of […]

BDCS Department seminar by Professor Stuart Forbes, Director of the Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Professor of Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine. The University of Edinburgh, UK
“Mechanisms of regeneration of the damaged liver” Following injury the normal liver regenerates through hepatocyte proliferation. Following severe or prolonged liver injury hepatocyte or cholangiocyte regeneration can be impaired and senescence can occur. In […]

BDCS Department seminar by Professor Guillaume Charras, London Centre for Nanotechnology University College London
Abstract: Epithelia are planar tissues, separating the internal environment from the external environment in many organs. I will present two recent studies that examine the behaviour of cells within monolayers. A major epithelial function […]

Rare Variants and Autism Spectrum Disorder

“Functional CURE under some ENIGMATIC mechanisms: Choke-and-Mute, rather than Shoot-and-Kill ?” by Jacques Leibowitch – VIROLOGY DEPARTMENT SEMINAR
VIROLOGY DEPARTMENT SEMINAR Jacques LEIBOWITCH Anti HIV Maintenance Therapy Intermittent, in Close Cycles, Anti Retrovirals Retain Efficacy ICCARRE and its 3 days, 2 days, 1 day a week cycles, open the chapter of Long Lasting Post […]