François Jacob Conference
[gview file=”https://research.pasteur.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/research_pasteur-hic-poster-maj-2018-12-.pdf”] More information: www.hic2019.conferences-pasteur.org Contact: hic2019@conferences-pasteur.org
[gview file=”https://research.pasteur.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/research_pasteur-hic-poster-maj-2018-12-.pdf”] More information: www.hic2019.conferences-pasteur.org Contact: hic2019@conferences-pasteur.org
[gview file=”https://research.pasteur.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/research_pasteur-130-years-of-institut-pasteur-celebrating-science-programme-colloque-130-ans-flower-v1.pdf”] More information: www.130yearsip.conferences-pasteur.org Contact: 130yearsIP@conferences-pasteur.org
Abstract: Bacteria are under constant attack from predatory bacteriophages in a co-evolutionary molecular “arms race”. Various mechanisms have evolved in bacteria in their adaptation to viral attack, including surface receptor mutation, restriction and modification, […]
SAVE THE DATE, April 4th 2019 Next edition : April 1rst, 2020 Cancer & Immunotherapy 09.00: Registrations 09.30: Welcome by James di Santo (Center for translational science) VACCINE session 09.45: [Keynote] The European Joint […]
SINGLE CELL PROTEOMICS TO SINGLE CELL SECRETOMICS Droplet-based microfluidics allow the reliable production of micrometer-sized incubators in which individual cells can be isolated and manipulated at high throughput rates. Such microfluidics-based technologies have been […]
Tens of thousands of biochemical reactions occur simultaneously in the cell. Small molecules are channeled through metabolic pathways at blistering speed. Giant complexes assemble to orchestrate transcription and translation. ATP fuels the active transport […]
The intestinal microbiota is considered to be a major reservoir of antibiotic resistance determinants (ARDs) that could potentially be transferred to bacterial pathogens via mobile genetic elements. Yet, this assumption is poorly supported by […]
VIROLOGY DEPARTMENT PhD Defense Paris-Descartes University MTCI ED 563 Catharina RUIGROK Structural Virology Unit “Structural and functional studies on human syncytins -Insights into the molecular mechanisms of placental cell-cell fusion” VENDREDI 15 FEVRIER […]
Two of the major objectives in Biology are understanding the function of complex systems and unraveling the molecular mechanisms by which such functions are achieved. Historically, we have been accustomed to – and […]
Freddy Frischknecht –Center for Infectious Diseases – Heidelberg University – Germany The talk with show a mix of genetic and imaging studies that reveal how Plasmodia use their microtubules for formation of sporozoites in […]
When we study evolution of a species, we use different models, depending on what we want to achieve or infer. We might restrict to SNP variation in the “core genome” (presumably inherited vertically) to study […]
VIROLOGY DEPARTMENT SEMINAR Varpu MARJOMÄKI PhD, Department of Biological and Environmental Science /Nanoscience center University of Jyväskylä, Finland “Molecular mechanisms of enterovirus infection and search for anti-virals” Mardi 26 Février 2019 à 12h00 Auditorium du Centre […]
We are very pleased to announce the 11th “NMR: a tool for Biology” conference. This event, jointly organized by Institut Pasteur and Bruker Biospin, will be held at Institut Pasteur in Paris. This conference […]
DIM ELICIT DAY EMPOWERING LIFE SCIENCES WITH INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES DIM ELICIT “Empowering LIfe sCiences with Innovative Technologies” is co-leaded by the Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes for microfluidics and the Institut Pasteur. It has […]
Based on proteomics, functional and structural data, it is likely that most, if not all, neurotransmitter receptors interact with protein partners across the synaptic cleft. We have recently published the structural and functional investigation […]