International Symposium – Genetic Admixture: Inference and Evolutionary Consequences – Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st May 2022
Colloque genetic admixtures V4
Colloque genetic admixtures V4
[embeddoc url=”https://research.pasteur.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/research_pasteur-microbes-and-mitochondria-an-international-symposium-in-honor-of-fabrizia-stavru-microbes-and-mitochondria-3.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
Soutenance de thèse de Stacy Gellenoncourt Unité Virus et Immunité, Groupe Contrôle des Infections Virales Chroniques (CIVIC), Institut Pasteur ED BioSPC 562, Université Paris Cité Directrice de thèse : L. Chakrabarti
The French Society for Cell Biology (SBCF) is organizing the 4th edition of the successful international congress formerly known as “Building The Cell” : The meeting “Cell La Vie! 2” will be held at […]
Half-day Latest innovations and Applications in CryoEM& CryoET PROGRAM 14:00 INTRODUCTION Chair: Michael Nilges 14:10 Jan Löwe (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK) “Molecular nanomachines illuminated by cryo-EM” 14:45 Benjamin Bardiaux (Structural Bioinformatics […]
Extraordinary Tandem Seminar Robert A. SEDER, M.D. Cellular Immunology Section – Vaccine Research Center, NIAID, NIH “Scientific and Clinical Development of Malaria Monoclonal Antibodies to Prevent Infection” Peter CROMPTON, M.D., M.P.H. Malaria Infection Biology […]
Abstract: Cell-to-cell heterogeneity in gene expression has broad-ranging effects: It can elevate antibiotic resistance in one microbe while other cells remain susceptible. It can also decrease yields of a biosynthetic product in a subpopulation […]
The 2022 Departmental retreat of the Department of Immunology will be held from May 23 to May 25 at Pornichet. Keynote speaker: Pr Michel Cogné (Head of team B cell Ig Remodeling Singularities (BIGRES), […]
Learn how to use the FlowJo™ workspace, including how to load samples (experimental data), statistics, and gates, create groups and analyses, and generate tabular and graphical layouts. Designed for those new to FlowJo or […]
Webinar online Okomera is a spin-off company from École Polytechnique and Institut Pasteur who develops a unique droplet microfluidic technology for functional 3D cell culture assays on chips. A single reproducible 3D cell culture […]
Pierre BUFFET Unité Biologie Intégrée du Globule Rouge UMR1134 INSERM Université de Paris et Directeur de la recherche Médicale à l’Institut Pasteur “Plasmodium-induced disease in humans (malaria). Parasites, Red cells, Clearance, Persistence, and 100 […]
“Reactive Species in Stress Signalling – From Single Cells to the Whole Organism” Invited speaker: Martin Feelisch, MSc, Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine, Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Southampton, UK Abstract: The oxidative stress […]
Renseignements & inscription : cliquez ici Programme prévisionnel des conférences: Karim Majzoub : Virus de l’Hépatite Delta (VHD) et agents VHD-like chez l’Humain et l’animal. Nolwenn Jouvenet : Virus et Interferons : le choc des Titans. Réjane […]
ORGANIZED BY –> International Research Alliance for Antibiotic Discovery and Development (IRAADD) –> German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) –> Institut Pasteur PROGRAM OF THE MEETING 08:45 – Opening remarks: Representatives of IRAADD, DZIF, […]
Healthcare-associated infections are caused by a diversity of pathogenic micro-organisms, which together represent leading causes of global infectious disease morbidity and mortality. The objective of this thesis was to develop novel mathematical models to […]