PhD Defense – Mara Carloni – “Modulation of Yersinia pestis virulence involving the flagellin locus and phase variation”
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Single Cell mini-symposium
The Single Cell Resources initiative of the Institut Pasteur is pleased to announce its first annual “Single cell Mini Symposium” to be held on September 29, 2022 at the Institut Pasteur. Find the agenda […]
Symposium “Future in Parasitology 2022”
Scientific Programme Monday 17th OCTOBER 13:45 Introduction – Gerald Spaeth Session 1- KEYNOTE SPEAKER 14:00 – From sand flies to Leishmania with love: vectors’ influence on transmission, survival, infectiousness and diversity of parasites Shaden […]
INCEPTION 2022 meeting: Integrative Biology, Social and Data Sciences to understand the Emergence of Diseases in Populations and in Individuals
The Institut Convergence INCEPTION is organizing its 6th annual meeting on next 24 and 25 November. This is an opportunity to present and discuss the progress of the projects launched within the institute. We […]
Seminar Dept Microbiology “Genome wide identification of functions essential for bypass of PBPs by L,D-transpeptidases in Escherichia coli”
Cell division and cell wall mechanisms – Mini symposium 26th October 2022
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DPT Parasites and insects Vectors Seminar -Moritz TREECK “Have it my way! How intracellular parasites remodel your cells to their needs”
Moritz TREECK The Francis Crick Institute, London UK “Have it my way! How intracellular parasites remodel your cells to their needs“ jeudi 15 septembre 2022, 12h00 Salle Jules Bordet – RDC Bâtiment Metchnikoff et […]
DPT Parasites and insects Vectors Seminar – Maria Francia “Shedding light into the big problem by taking a good look at a tiny organelle; the centrosome and cell division in Toxoplasma gondii”
Séminaire du Département des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Maria FRANCIA Laboratory of Apicomplexan Biology, Institut Pasteur Montevideo, Uruguay “Shedding light into the big problem by taking a good look at a tiny organelle; the […]
Groupe de Reflexion SIDA (GRS) seminar: “Functional and structural studies of the T cell response against two major human viruses: HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2”
Pr. Stéphanie GRAS (La Trobe University, Australia) will discuss the structural determinants that condition T cell responses directed at SARS-CoV-2. Pr. Gras is a specialist of T cell receptor (TCR) structure and has recently […]
Open Microscopy Symposium
The Open Microscopy Symposium will take place as a Satellite Symposium at the FENS meeting, on July 8th 2022. A collaboration between Open Neuroscience, Institut Pasteur and the University of Sussex, sponsored by EMBO, […]
Conférence-Débat “Cerveaux et Intelligence Artificielle”
A l’occasion de la plus grande conférence de Neurosciences Européenne que se tiendra à Paris en juillet, appelée la FENS, les départements de Neuroscience et de Biologie Computationnelle de l’Institut Pasteur, avec le soutien […]
PhD Thesis :“ Integrative structural biology of a mixed PDH/ODH supercomplex from Corynebacterium glutamicum ”
DEPARTEMENT DE BIOLOGIE STRUCTURALE ET CHIMIE Soutenance de thèse Ecole Doctorale MTCI, Université Paris Cité Lu YANG Unité de Microbiologie Structurale, Institut Pasteur Integrative structural biology of a mixed PDH/ODH supercomplex from Corynebacterium […]
Flow Jo PLUGINS webinar
The Cytometry Platform of the CB UtechS is pleased to invite you to a FlowJo webinar Nicolas Loof (BD Senior Application Scientist, Multi-Omics Specialist) will talk about high dimensional data analysis. He will present a pipeline […]
DPT Parasites and Insect Vectors Seminar – Luisa FIGUREIDO “Functional modifications in the tails of messenger RNAs”
Séminaire du Département des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Luisa FIGUREIDO Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon, Portugal “Functional modifications in the tails of messenger RNAs” Vendredi 10 juin 2022, 10h00 Salle Jules Bordet, Metchnikoff RdC […]
DPT Parasites and insects Vectors Seminar – Neta Regev Rudzki “How malaria parasite tricks its hots”
SÉminaire du DÉpartement des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Neta Regev Rudzki Department of Biomolecular Sciences – Weizmann Institute of Science, Israël “How malaria parasite tricks its host” mardi 7 juin 2022, 14h00 Salle Jules […]