Citech is organizing an internal seminar to gather researchers of Institut Pasteur working on the CRISPR system, or using CRISPR as a genome editing tool.
We also need to hear you express your expectations from Citech regarding this technology in the final discussion! (libraries management and distribution, cell line creation, screening…)
C R I S P R @ P A S T E U R
October 20th 10:30-17:00
Meeting room : Jules Bordet, Metchnikoff Building – ground floor
10 :30 Welcome and introduction
10 :45 Keynote lecture: Repair of Cas9induced double strand breaks in E. Coli (David Bikard, Synthetic biology G5 – Institut Pasteur)
11 :15 The CRISPR-Cas system of human pathogen Clostridium difficile: function and regulation (Olga Soutourina, Anaerobic bacteria pathogenesis – Institut Pasteur – Paris Diderot Sorbonne University)
11 :30 Casposons: a new super family of transposon-like elements at the origin of CIRSPR-Cas immunity (Mart Krupovic – Institut Pasteur BMGE unit)
11 :45 CRISPR diversity in enteric bacterial pathogens (François-Xavier Weill, Research and expertise of enteric pathogenic bacteria – Institut Pasteur)
LUNCH BREAK AT THE CANTEEN (12:00-13 :10) and “mini” COFFE BREAK (13:10-13:20)
13 :20 Genome editing with CRISPR (Nadia Guettari, Sigma Aldrich)
14 :00 Genome scale knock-out screen using CIRSPR-Cas9 system (Corinne Chureau-Pommier, Development biology and stem cells – Institut Pasteur)
14 :15 Targeted tansgenesis by Nucleases : the experience of the CIGM using CRISPR-Cas9 systems (Francina Langa-Vives, Mouse genetics engineering Platform-Institut Pasteur)
14 :30 Simple and rapid generation of knock-in alleles in the mouse using in ovo CRISPR-cas9 mediated genome engineering (Michel Cohen-Tannoudji, Mouse functional genetics Platform – Institut Pasteur)
14 :45 Transcriptional activation of endogenous promoters using the CRISPR-SunTag approach (Victor Heurtier, Epigenetics of Stem Cells G5 – Institut Pasteur)
COFFEE BREAK (15 :00 – 15 :20)
15 :20 Identifying cellular plasticity regulator using CRISPR-Cas9 based functional screening (Han LI, Cellular Plasticity and Disease Modelling group G5 – Institut Pasteur)
15 :35 Editing the fly genome using CRISPR (François Schweisguth, Genetic development of the Drosophile – Institut Pasteur)
15 :50 Revolutionizing functional studies in Plasmodium Falciparum with CRISPR-Cas9 (Cameron Mac Pherson and Jessica Byant, Biology of Host parasite interactions – Institut Pasteur)
16 :05 Investigating the native dynamics of the endocytosis and intracellular trafficking events using genome-engineering tools in human cells (Alexandre Grassart, Molecular microbial pathogenesis – Institut Pasteur)
16 :20 GFP tagging of the SCRIB locus on Caco-2 Cell lines (Batiste Boeda, Cell polarity, migration and cancer – Institut Pasteur)
16 :35 Open discussion : What do you expect from Citech regarding CRISPR technology ?
Chaired by Fabrice Agou (Chemogenomic and Biological Screening Platform – Institut Pasteur) – Francina Langa-Vives (Mouse genetics engineering Platform – Institut Pasteur) – Elodie Brient-Litzler (Citech Deputy Director)