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Un petit guide pour l'utilisation de la recherche avancée :

  • Tip 1. Utilisez "" afin de chercher une expression exacte.
    Exemple : "division cellulaire"
  • Tip 2. Utilisez + afin de rendre obligatoire la présence d'un mot.
    Exemple : +cellule +stem
  • Tip 3. Utilisez + et - afin de forcer une inclusion ou exclusion d'un mot.
    Exemple : +cellule -stem
e.g. searching for members in projects tagged cancer
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Pasteur Network PhD Grant – Annual Call for Applications

Domaines Scientifiques
Date limite pour l'application
May 2023
2023-05-15 8:00:00 2023-05-15 18:00:00 Europe/Paris Pasteur Network PhD Grant – Annual Call for Applications Pasteur Network PhD GrantAnnual Call for Applications(Funded by Calmette & Yersin Programme and Pasteur Network) The Pasteur Network consists of member institutes located in 25 countries on five continents who employ over 5,000 researchers, […] "25-28 rue du Dr. Roux, 75015, Paris" Add to Calendar

Pasteur Network PhD Grant
Annual Call for Applications

(Funded by Calmette & Yersin Programme and Pasteur Network)

The Pasteur Network consists of member institutes located in 25 countries on five continents who employ over 5,000 researchers, engineers, and technicians, making it well placed to respond to emerging outbreaks and various determinants of health challenges. The Network is at the forefront of critical research (e.g., mRNA, emerging infectious disease) across diverse
environments in locations rich in biodiversity, endemic hotspots, and emerging public health challenges. Furthermore, it is deeply engaged in public health innovations and biotechnology research (e.g., therapeutic, diagnostic, and vaccine innovation & manufacturing), especially in the Global South.

To provide unique opportunities to talented young scientists to join dynamic research groups to carry out their thesis in strategically located institutes, Institut Pasteur (IP) through the Calmette & Yersin programme (C&Y) and the Pasteur Network will support Pasteur Network PhD grant for each of the four regions: America, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Euro-Mediterranean.

The annual Pasteur Network PhD call for applications allows to support, this year, up to seven (7) new PhD candidate and at least one (1) per region of the Pasteur Network. Applicants must, in collaboration with their future host supervisor, propose an innovative research project within the scope of the scientific priorities of the Pasteur Network including, vector-
borne diseases, addressing the epidemiological transition and its consequences on ageing populations, maternal, newborn, and child health, and combating antimicrobial resistance via One Health approaches (see Annex 1).

Special attention will be given to proposals that are in line with the focus areas of the Network: epidemic surveillance and preparedness; R&D and innovation in critical diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics; and capacity building, knowledge transfer, and technology access related to global and regional mobility and strengthening scientific research systems and public health
actors, specifically in low and middle income countries.


The period of tenure of this PhD grant is 3 years.

The PhD grant is only dedicated to the salary of the PhD student. No operating costs and management fees will be covered. The grant amount will be defined according to the local PhD rating system.

The host institute will be in charge of the management of the grant and should provide the student with a travel insurance covering repatriation, social insurances (illness and hospitalization), and personal liability insurance. The PhD student, as member of the host institute, must comply to its rules and regulations.
Moreover, the host institute should provide a stimulating environment for the PhD student to pursue his/her career in the Pasteur Network at the end of the award tenure.
Finally, each awardee will be eligible for two Pasteur Network or Calmette & Yersin grants to carry out mobilities within the Pasteur Network. These grants can be for internships or to participate in a course.

The PhD grant call is open to any candidate wishing to complete a PhD in one of the institutes of the Pasteur Network, except institutes located on mainland France.

Any candidate with a Master 2 degree or equivalent diploma can apply for a PhD grant.
Candidates who have already started their PhD project are not eligible.

The candidate must specify the university and, when possible, the doctoral school to which he/she will be registered during the PhD.

The call is open to any nationality.

The candidate cannot already have a permanent position in the hosting institute.


The candidate will be evaluated against the following criteria:

Suitability of the candidate with the objectives of the project

Does the applicant demonstrate the capacity to carry out the project in terms of motivation, academic background, trainee and/or professional experiences…?

Quality of the project :

Is the project adapted to be carried out by a PhD student: clearly defined and achievable objectives in three years, access to technical facilities, etc. Does the research project have the potential to lead to measurable results in terms of public health or
fundamental knowledge within the scientific field interest (peer-reviewed articles, patents, etc.)? Is the financing of the project secured by grants from national or international funding agencies?

Mentorship and training

What mentorship and training experiences does the supervisor and her/his team have? Will the hosting conditions allow the student to be able to fully concentrate on his/her PhD research and not be involved in too many side projects? Is there a mentoring programme or the possibility to join a student organisation at the local level?

The proposed research project will be evaluated not only on its quality, originality, and feasability but also on the added values it will bring to the team’s projects and its contribution to the regional/global health priorities.
If the project includes biomedical activities, the applicant, in consultation with his/her supervisor, must ensure that the appropriate authorisations have been obtained or are in the process of being obtained from the relevant committees or authorities prior to carrying out these activities.

Applications must be written in English and submitted
online (Link to the web pages) no later than May 15th, 2023.
Incomplete or paper-based applications will not be considered.

When deemed necessary, Institut Pasteur and Pasteur network reserves the right to ask candidates for additional information in order to evaluate their application.

Candidates must not submit information in their application that is confidential and/or protected by the intellectual property rights of third parties, and may contravene any rights of third parties.


The Pasteur Network and Department of International Affairs – Institut Pasteur (DI) are in charge of the PhD Grant process.

Each application will be reviewed by two (2) scientists from our experts panel. The final decision will be made following the panel meeting and confirmed by the executive management. Candidates will be notified in due course.


As part of the evaluation, each year, the PhD student should provide a complete progress report regarding the scientific activities.
