Call for application as staff scientist at Institut Pasteur
Prerequisites to be a candidate for integration as staff scientist
– To have defended his/her PhD thesis before submitting the application.
– To have identified a research structure and obtained the agreement/support of the PI. If the continuity of the initial host structure is not secured beyond 2 years (end of mandate, retirement, …), the candidate must also have identified a subsequent host structure and obtained the written agreement of its head.
– For engineers applying for admission to the “Research” program, to have at least 5 years of seniority in the “Research Engineering” program.
Constitution of the file
Please read the instructions carefully, only complete applications will be processed.
Pay also attention to the naming of the file.
The complete application must include:
- Curriculum vitae of the candidate according to the model (NAME_CV2022.pdf)
- Passport photo (NAME _Photo2022.pdf)
- Organizational chart of the host laboratory (NAME _Chart2022.pdf)
- Summary statement of scientific achievements and project (maximum 6 pages, NAME_ActivitiesProject2022.pdf)
- Project abstract (15-20 lines) including a title and 5 keywords (NAME_Summary2022.pdf)
- List of publications (NAME_Publications2022.pdf) :
– listed according to the different periods (M2, PhD, postdoc1, postdoc2, …)
– using the NIH style (all authors listed with the candidate’s name in bold as well and that of the mentor/coach/PI underlined, title of article, journal, year, volume, pages, DOI, PubMed PMID, PMCID)
– adding the IDHAL number for all publications while affiliated to Institut Pasteur
– separating research articles, review articles, book chapters …
- List of articles submitted or under review (NAME_submitted2022.pdf) and patents (NAME_Patent2022.pdf)
- the “reading grid” completed by the candidate for the part concerning him/her (only as word document) (NAME_Grid2022.docx)
The candidate should send his/her application on Friday 14 January 2022 (5:00 pm) at the latest
– as separate files, the curriculum vitae (LASTNAME_CV2022.pdf) and the reading grid (LASTNAME_GRID2022.docx) to
– as a single file combining documents 1 to 7 (LASTNAME_application2022.pdf) to A printed copy of the application should also be deposited or mailed to the Scientific Careers and Assessment Department (DCES)
The full application file should also be sent to the PI and the department director in the format that suits them.
The candidate should also request letters of support.recommendation from:
– the head of the lab
– maximum 3 scientists
And ask them to directly send their letter to DCES as a pdf file labeled with the name of the candidate.
- 14 January 2022: deadline for submission of the application
- 14 March 2022: Pre-selection of applications by the ad hoc committee prior to the plenary session of COMESP and validation by the Management of the Institut Pasteur. Candidates will be informed by the DCES of the outcome of their application (selected for hearing or not).
- 13-14 April 2022: Hearings of the shortlisted candidates and ranking by the COMESP. Candidates will be informed by the DCES of the outcome of their application (recommendations to the Management).
- May – June 2022: Interviews with the CEO, the Scientific Director, the Director of Scientific Careers and Assessment Department, and decisions.
For more information and all correspondence:
Mailing address
Mrs. Sylvie Chaput
Institut Pasteur
Scientific Careers and Assessment Department
28, rue du Dr Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15
Phone: +33 (0)1 45 68 88 15