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Let’s #cutAIDSshortMichaela Muller-Trutwin
Sofia Pombo new PhD student in the BGPB UnitIvo Gomperts Boneca
SEMINAR ” RNA Therapeutics: Antisense Oligonucleotides for the Treatment of Degenerative Disorders “
Gut microbiota plays a role in brain function and mood regulationPierre-Marie Lledo
New publication – Mtfp1 ablation enhances mitochondrial respiration and protects against hepatic steatosisJuan Diego Hernandez Camacho
“Disruptive Discoveries for HIV, HCV and HBV Infections” by Raymond Schinazi – Virology & Immunology departments joint seminarOlivier Schwartz
CANCELLED – Lab Seminar in Global Health “Open data to accelerate the development and testing of dynamic models for global population health”Simon Cauchemez
ComPaRe – COMmunity of PAtients for REsearch- Dr Philippe RavaudClementine Schilte
Soutenance HDR “small RNAs in epigenetic inheritance” – par Germano CecereGermano Cecere
Symposium “Future in Parasitology 2022”Selima Messaoudi
Département de Virologie : Soutenance de thèse de doctorat – Céline CURIS “Modifications physiopathologies induites par le rétrovirus HTLV-1 : franchissement de la barrière hémato-encéphalique et altération de la voie exosomale”Philippe Afonso
Research engineer or postdoctoral position in Biostatistics or bioinformaticsLaurence Watier
Postdoctoral fellow or research engineer: neural plasticity in the central auditory systemBoris Gourévitch
POSTDOC IN QUANTITATIVE and POPULATION GENETICS, Institut Pasteur, ParisLluis Quintana-Murci
Postdoctoral position in protein design at the Institut PasteurPablo Guardado-Calvo
POST-DOCTORAL POSITION IN MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY to study GPCR’s conformational arrangementAnne Brelot
Full-time indeterminate Research Technician position at Institut Pasteur