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© Benoît Chassaing
Interaction microbiote-mucus à la surface de l’épithélium colique humain
Publication : Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology

Inulin Fermentable Fiber Ameliorates Type I Diabetes via IL22 and Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Experimental Models.

Domaines Scientifiques

Publié sur Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology - 01 janv. 2021

Zou J, Reddivari L, Shi Z, Li S, Wang Y, Bretin A, Ngo VL, Flythe M, Pellizzon M, Chassaing B, Gewirtz AT

Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 33940221

Lien DOI – 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2021.04.014

Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 2021 ; 12(3): 983-1000

Nourishment of gut microbiota via consumption of fermentable fiber promotes gut health and guards against metabolic syndrome. In contrast, how dietary fiber impacts type 1 diabetes is less clear.To examine impact of dietary fibers on development of type 1 diabetes in the streptozotocin (STZ)-induced and spontaneous non-obese diabetes (NOD) models, mice were fed grain-based chow (GBC) or compositionally defined diets enriched with a fermentable fiber (inulin) or an insoluble fiber (cellulose). Spontaneous (NOD mice) or STZ-induced (wild-type mice) diabetes was monitored.Relative to GBC, low-fiber diets exacerbated STZ-induced diabetes, whereas diets enriched with inulin, but not cellulose, strongly protected against or treated it. Inulin’s restoration of glycemic control prevented loss of adipose depots, while reducing food and water consumption. Inulin normalized pancreatic function and markedly enhanced insulin sensitivity. Such amelioration of diabetes was associated with alterations in gut microbiota composition and was eliminated by antibiotic administration. Pharmacologic blockade of fermentation reduced inulin’s beneficial impact on glycemic control, indicating a role for short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). Furthermore, inulin’s microbiota-dependent anti-diabetic effect associated with SCFA-independent restoration of interleukin 22, which was necessary and sufficient to ameliorate STZ-induced diabetes. Inulin-enriched diets significantly delayed diabetes in NOD mice.Fermentable fiber confers microbiota-dependent increases in SCFA and interleukin 22 that, together, may have potential to prevent and/or treat type 1 diabetes.