Project Étude de la réponse vaccinale induite par un vaccin vivant “IVORY1” (2023-048) Jessica Quintin • Hélène Laude • Fabien Taieb
Project Prophylaxies post-exposition contre la rage chez les voyageurs,à propos de 2916 patients vus au centre antirabique de l’Institut Pasteur de Paris, 2018-2022 Paul-Henri Consigny • Philippe Poujol
Project Manager Adriana Lecourieux Dynamics of Immune Responses Sorry, this entry is only available in FR.
Project Vaccines coopting dendritic cells to achieve local immunity against respiratory infections. Pierre Guermonprez
Project Cancer immunotherapy by manipulation of the tumour microenvironment of solid tumours. Pierre Guermonprez
Project Instructive role of dendritic cells in the development of T cell memory in the airway. Pierre Guermonprez