Cells infected for 24 hrs with C. Trachomatis. The cell nuclei are labelled in blue, the bacteria appear yellow, within the inclusion lumen. A bacterial protein secreted out the inclusion into the host cytoplasm id labelled in red.
Publication : Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)
The structure of FemX(Wv) in complex with a peptidyl-RNA conjugate: mechanism of aminoacyl transfer from Ala-tRNA(Ala) to peptidoglycan precursors
Published in Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) - 06 Jun 2013
Fonvielle M, Li de La Sierra-Gallay I, El-Sagheer AH, Lecerf M, Patin D, Mellal D, Mayer C, Blanot D, Gale N, Brown T, van Tilbeurgh H, Ethève-Quelquejeu M, Arthur M