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© Emeline Camand
Marquage par immunofluorescence d'astrocytes tumoraux ou astrocytomes (lignée cellulaire humaine U373), montrant en rouge, APC et en vert, la tubuline des microtubules. APC est un supresseur de tumeur qui est impliqué dans la polarisation des astrocytes normaux. La localisation d'APC est altérée dans des lignées de gliomes. Pour essayer de corriger, les dérèglements observés lors de la migration des cellules d'astrocytes tumuraux ou gliomes on cherche à connaitre les mécanismes moléculaires fondamentaux qui controlent la polarisation et la migration cellulaire.
Publication : Current biology : CB

SHANK3 conformation regulates direct actin binding and crosstalk with Rap1 signaling.

Scientific Fields

Published in Current biology : CB - 22 Nov 2021

Salomaa SI, Miihkinen M, Kremneva E, Paatero I, Lilja J, Jacquemet G, Vuorio J, Antenucci L, Kogan K, Hassani Nia F, Hollos P, Isomursu A, Vattulainen I, Coffey ET, Kreienkamp HJ, Lappalainen P, Ivaska J

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 34610274

Link to DOI – 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.022

Curr Biol 2021 Nov; 31(22): 4956-4970.e9

Actin-rich cellular protrusions direct versatile biological processes from cancer cell invasion to dendritic spine development. The stability, morphology, and specific biological functions of these protrusions are regulated by crosstalk between three main signaling axes: integrins, actin regulators, and small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases). SHANK3 is a multifunctional scaffold protein, interacting with several actin-binding proteins and a well-established autism risk gene. Recently, SHANK3 was demonstrated to sequester integrin-activating small GTPases Rap1 and R-Ras to inhibit integrin activity via its Shank/ProSAP N-terminal (SPN) domain. Here, we demonstrate that, in addition to scaffolding actin regulators and actin-binding proteins, SHANK3 interacts directly with actin through its SPN domain. Molecular simulations and targeted mutagenesis of the SPN-ankyrin repeat region (ARR) interface reveal that actin binding is inhibited by an intramolecular closed conformation of SHANK3, where the adjacent ARR domain covers the actin-binding interface of the SPN domain. Actin and Rap1 compete with each other for binding to SHANK3, and mutation of SHANK3, resulting in reduced actin binding, augments inhibition of Rap1-mediated integrin activity. This dynamic crosstalk has functional implications for cell morphology and integrin activity in cancer cells. In addition, SHANK3-actin interaction regulates dendritic spine morphology in neurons and autism-linked phenotypes in vivo.