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© Research
Publication : The EMBO journal

Neutral evolution of snoRNA Host Gene long non-coding RNA affects cell fate control.

Scientific Fields

Published in The EMBO journal - 01 Sep 2024

Vietri Rudan M, Sipilä KH, Philippeos C, Ganier C, Bhosale PG, Negri VA, Watt FM

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 39054371

Link to DOI – 10.1038/s44318-024-00172-8

EMBO J 2024 Sep; 43(18): 4049-4067

A fundamental challenge in molecular biology is to understand how evolving genomes can acquire new functions. Actively transcribed, non-coding parts of the genome provide a potential platform for the development of new functional sequences, but their biological and evolutionary roles remain largely unexplored. Here, we show that a set of neutrally evolving long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) whose introns encode small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNA Host Genes, SNHGs) are highly expressed in skin and dysregulated in inflammatory conditions. Using SNHG7 and human epidermal keratinocytes as a model, we describe a mechanism by which these lncRNAs can increase self-renewal and inhibit differentiation. The activity of SNHG7 lncRNA has been recently acquired in the primate lineage and depends on a short sequence required for microRNA binding. Taken together, our results highlight the importance of understanding the role of fast-evolving transcripts in normal and diseased epithelia, and show how poorly conserved, actively transcribed non-coding sequences can participate in the evolution of genomic functionality.