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© Emeline Camand
Marquage par immunofluorescence d'astrocytes tumoraux ou astrocytomes (lignée cellulaire humaine U373), montrant en rouge, APC et en vert, la tubuline des microtubules. APC est un supresseur de tumeur qui est impliqué dans la polarisation des astrocytes normaux. La localisation d'APC est altérée dans des lignées de gliomes. Pour essayer de corriger, les dérèglements observés lors de la migration des cellules d'astrocytes tumuraux ou gliomes on cherche à connaitre les mécanismes moléculaires fondamentaux qui controlent la polarisation et la migration cellulaire.
Publication : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Defined extracellular matrix compositions support stiffness-insensitive cell spreading and adhesion signaling.

Scientific Fields

Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 24 Oct 2023

Conway JRW, Isomursu A, Follain G, Härmä V, Jou-Ollé E, Pasquier N, Välimäki EPO, Rantala JK, Ivaska J

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 37844244

Link to DOI – 10.1073/pnas.2304288120

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Oct; 120(43): e2304288120

Integrin-dependent adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM) mediates mechanosensing and signaling in response to altered microenvironmental conditions. In order to provide tissue- and organ-specific cues, the ECM is composed of many different proteins that temper the mechanical properties and provide the necessary structural diversity. Despite most human tissues being soft, the prevailing view from predominantly in vitro studies is that increased stiffness triggers effective cell spreading and activation of mechanosensitive signaling pathways. To address the functional coupling of ECM composition and matrix rigidity on compliant substrates, we developed a matrix spot array system to screen cell phenotypes against different ECM mixtures on defined substrate stiffnesses at high resolution. We applied this system to both cancer and normal cells and surprisingly identified ECM mixtures that support stiffness-insensitive cell spreading on soft substrates. Employing the motor-clutch model to simulate cell adhesion on biochemically distinct soft substrates, with varying numbers of available ECM-integrin-cytoskeleton (clutch) connections, we identified conditions in which spreading would be supported on soft matrices. Combining simulations and experiments, we show that cell spreading on soft is supported by increased clutch engagement on specific ECM mixtures and even augmented by the partial inhibition of actomyosin contractility. Thus, “stiff-like” spreading on soft is determined by a balance of a cell’s contractile and adhesive machinery. This provides a fundamental perspective for in vitro mechanobiology studies, identifying a mechanism through which cells spread, function, and signal effectively on soft substrates.