Conferences organized by the Scientific Council
Duclaux amphitheatre – 4.30 pm
Thursday 12 January, 2017
Félix REY, Unité de Virologie Structurale
Title: Flavivirus structural heterogeneity: implications for entry, antibody neutralisation and vaccine design
Thursday 9 February, 2017
Guilhem JANBON, Unité de Biologie des ARN des Pathogènes Fongiques
Title: Transcriptome dynamics in Cryptococcus neoformans
Thursday 16 March, 2017
David BIKARD, Groupe à 5 ans Biologie de Synthèse
Title: From phage defense to biotechnological tools: CRISPR and more
Thursday 20 April, 2017 (new date)
Guillaume DUMENIL, Unité de Pathogenèse des infections vasculaires
Title: Vascular colonization by Neisseria meningitidis
Thursday 11 May, 2017 (new date)
Ana CUMANO, Unité de Lymphopoiese
Title: Lymphocyte development and lineage commitment in the embryo
Thursday 15 June, 2017
Caroline DEMANGEL, Unité d’Immunobiologie de l’Infection
Title: A matter of fat: bioactive lipids at the host-mycobacteria interface
Thursday 7 Septembre, 2017
Sigolène MEILHAC, Groupe à 5 ans Coordination des Cellules et Morphogenèse
Title: Shaping the heart: the right size with a touch of left signaling
Thursday 12 October, 2017
Mathieu PICARDEAU, Unité de Biologie des Spirochètes
Title: How spirochetes do it differently*
Thursday 9 November, 2017
Jacomina KRIJNSE-LOCKER, Ultrapole
Title: Electron microscopy to understand viruses and their membranes
Thursday 7 December, 2017
Ivo MUELLER, Unité Malaria : Parasites et Hôtes
Title: Eliminating malaria in the Asia-Pacific: Addressing the P. vivax challenge
*title: might be modified