Research Engineer
Timothé Jost-Mousseau
Neural Circuit Dynamics and Decision Making
Research Engineer
Minh-Ha Nguyen
Biological NMR and HDX-MS Technological Platform
Minh-Ha Nguyen is a research engineer at the NMR platform of the Pasteur Institute. She earned her PhD in Biochemistry in 2019, specializing in protein solution NMR, at the lab of Olivier Walker in […]
PhD Student
Gaia Scilironi
Research Engineer
Ludovica Veggiotti
Neural coding and neuroengineering of human speech functions
Elodie Couderc
Insect-Virus Interactions
PhD Student
Alexandre Elabbadi
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Alexandre Elabbadi is a pulmonary specialist physician. His research interests are mainly focused on lower respiratory infections, especially in critical care patients. He is since November 2022 at the Pasteur Institute as PhD student. […]
PhD Student
Anne-Lise Beaumont
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
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PhD Student
Michiel van der Zwan
Integrative Neurobiology of Cholinergic Systems
Marine Andrade
Human Disease Models core facility
Anna Both
Chromatin and Infection
PhD Student
Melania Murolo
Stem Cells And Development
Fabienne Benz
Synthetic Biology
PhD Student
Anthony Bertrand
Translational Immunology
Research Engineer
Thomas Musset
Biological Image Analysis
PhD Student